Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pretty Boy

We miss you ...
Smelly Melly
Pretty Boy
Dum Dum Pig
Self-proclaim hottie with masculine figure *where is my bucket to puke*

Not much words to say, just pictures.
Well, picture paint a thousand words, or even more :)

You look like a 10 years old kiddo :):)

Mel, trying to be more lady-like ???

Dear Pretty Boy,
Please take good care of yourself when you're over in kampung Kalgoorlie. Please do not shrink like a satay stick. Or else, it wouldnt be fun tickling you. nor it is nice to see or hear a stick calling himself hottie Study hard, and continue to seek the Lord. We miss you not so much.. All the best pretty boy.. You ll always be our pretty boy mel.. Update us about yourself yaaaa...

Lots of love..


Mr Carlsberg said...
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Mr Carlsberg said...

Hey Melvin, good luck to you over there! kalgoorlie is too hot especially summer. easily get dehydrated

Melvin said...

hahahahha...ur name....ahhahahahaha mr carlsberg :D I'll consume more water during summer to keep myself hydrated :D :D