Remember The Fish
By : Pastor Phil (Hillsong-Capetown)
By : Pastor Phil (Hillsong-Capetown)
Luke 5:1-11 (The sermon was based on this verse from the bible.Please read the verses first before proceeding, for a better understanding .)
Simon, James and John were fishermen. Not the casual sort of fishermen, but the real deal! Fishing was their career, their source of income, their life. If anyone in the world knew anything about the techniques and method of fishing, it would have been them.They knew when to cast the nets and the best time of the day or night to go fishing . So when Simon clearly said in Luke 5:5~ Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything, they clearly knew that there really wasn't any fishes up for grabs that day. And yet Jesus said to them in verse 4~ Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch. Common sense will they you that a fisherman knows more about fishing than a carpenter does! But never the less, Simon and co did just as Jesus commanded, and lo and behold, they caught so much fish that it says in verse 7~ They came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink! Can you imagine that? A bunch of professional fishermen who spend the whole day at sea, and caught nothing, suddenly has two boats fully loaded with fishes at a single command by Jesus! It was no surprise that this revelation immediately humbled all those who were present at that moment.Look at Simon's response to this miraculous feat, verse 8~ When simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus's knees and said, " Go away from me,Lord; I am a sinful man"
What voices are you listening to at the moment? Rational voices, cynical voices or God's voice?
Rational thinking gives no room for God to perform miracles in your life. By thinking rationally, we do not give God the opportunity to do more in our lives.A rational voice would have told the fishermen to just clean up and call it a day, afterall, they had already spent the whole day at sea and caught nothing.Who was the carpenter to tell the fishermen how to Fish? But Jesus said cast your net,they followed and we knew what happens after that.
An encounter with Jesus always requires a response. Jesus is always constantly knocking at the door of our hearts, he is always calling, and he awaits our responds to his voice. We can have faith, but we also need to respond and work on what is given to us, for us to be able to reap the rewards. As tired as they were, as illogical as it seemed, and as ridiculous as it all sounded, the fishermen heeded Jesus's words and cast their nets. And after that massive catch, they abandoned everything and followed Jesus, because from that point onwards, they knew that Jesus was all they ever needed.
The above aren't the exact sermon from Pastor Phil, only what i can remember from it.And from this sermon , God had made me realised a couple of things. Mainly, what have i been letting into my life? Cynical thoughts and rational thoughts? How often have i shut out Jesus's voice with all this unnecessary voices. Have i let my own and other people's negative comments and opinion eat into me so much, that i fail to let God work in my life. If i were to shut out all this voices, and only let the voices that matters, into my life, how much more would i have been able to accomplish?And how many times have i already missed out on this opportunity because i chose to trust my rational thinking?
When it comes to God, nothing can be rationalized. Nothing is logical at all when God starts to work. Countless times in the bible, God was able to perform far beyond rational and logical. The 12 disciples were 12 ordinary men. They were not scholars, not rich, not powerful not special.In fact, they were commoners and sinners. And yet Jesus appointed this 12 to be apostles, they spread the Gospel like wild fire.Persecution and threats couldn't put them down.12 Commoners and 1 Jesus = Exploding Miracles. Jesus was all they ever need.
Which brings me to my last point. Now that they have heeded Jesus's voice, they reaped abundantly.Far beyond what they could have imagined possible. But look in verse 11~ So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. They had just caught the biggest ammount of fishes ever recorded in their lives, and what did they do?, they left everything and followed him. The impact of this verse on me was astounding! Surely we all want to be blessed abundantly. But when the time comes, will we be able to let go of it? and pick up our cross and follow after Jesus? I know personally that i too want to heed Jesus's voice and be blessed to the the brim. But what is more important in life? my well being or the well being of God? Because the well being of God is his people. And we can only serve one master. So will i be able to let go of the comfort and luxury that God had undeservingly over-blessed me with and follow after him? Or would i be too absorbed by all these blessings that i couldnt care less of His kingdom? What will it be for you guys?You cant hold on to a little bit, or some of it. You gotta let go of everything
I'll repeat the verse again, Luke 5: 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
Remember this, they left EVERYTHING and followed Jesus.
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